Thanks for all of the emails, the three coupon organizers and coupons have been claimed! We will be doing additional giveaways in the coming weeks, so check back often for details, or subscribe to the blog to receive updates to your inbox!
I have seen many different ways to organize coupons including binders and folders. I find binders to be too heavy and folders don't allow you to quickly see what coupons you have.
I have found that the best way to organize coupons is to use a soft cover 4x6 photo album. The one in this picture is shown beside a full sheet of paper for size comparison. These are great because you can quickly flip through them and see all the coupons and expiry dates. They are not very heavy so you can carry them with you when you go shopping. I have one for food coupons and one for other coupons.
To help you get started on your extreme couponing (or to help you on your way!), we are giving away 3 of these coupon organizers (including coupons to get your collection started)! The first 3 people to send an email to will win! This offer is valid only in Canada.
I won this and am so excited and cannot wait to get it in the mail :)